Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning
Monitoring and evaluation can help an organization extract relevant information from past and ongoing activities that can be used as the basis for programmatic fine-tuning, reorientation and future planning. Without effective planning, monitoring and evaluation, it would be impossible to judge if work is going in the right direction, whether progress and success can be claimed, and how future efforts might be improved.
United Nations Development Programme
What is the aim of the program?
To systematically monitor, and periodically evaluate, the implementation of This Life’s programs to measure their status, efficiency, effectiveness and impact, and feedback learning to inform future program design.
What activities do we run?
- We provide standardised and rigorous monitoring for all This Life programs managing program logical frameworks, monitoring progress towards achievement of stated indicators and supporting program teams to ensure accuracy in data collection and inputting.
- We develop high quality internal reports in coordination with program staff using standardised reporting processes, an internal reporting format and high quality donor reports using data periodically collected in internal report format.
- We undertake periodic evaluations for all This Life programs to provide independent assessments of impact, constraints experienced, sustainability issues and to identify lessons learned and aspects that could be used to influence policy.
- We design evaluations to ensure consultation with a broad and representative sample of program participants including community members and government stakeholders.
- We identify adjustments and improvements to make to the design of This Life’s programs based on findings from monitoring and evaluation activities.
- We collate evaluation data periodically for meta level review to inform and strengthen understanding of This Life’s impact in the broader community.
- We publish high quality narrative evaluation reports and publish on This Life’s website, social media, and other creative digital platforms.
What are the program outcomes?
- Programs achieve or exceed stated indicator targets in turn contributing to the achievement of planned program objectives and goals and program impact is clearly demonstrated to donors.
- High quality reports are produced internally in a consistent and timely manner across all This Life programs and used to generate periodic donor reports in response to individual donor requirements.
- Monitoring and evaluation findings are consistently used to improve the design of existing programs and to design new programs and research projects.
- Community stakeholders and partners have opportunities to feedback to and inform This Life’s work.
- Evaluation and research conducted within This Life programs is publically available.
Outcomes for all of This Life’s programs can be found in our Annual Report.