Children and Families Programs

SECTION GOAL: Protect and support children and enable them to remain within or return to their families and communities.

Our Children and Families section incorporates a range of distinctive but mutually supportive programs that improve the lives of children and families, and thus strengthen the communities in which they live – or vice versa. Many of these programs focus on reinforcing existing institutions or services which have been mandated by the Government, or mobilising or revitalising these services if they are inactive. These institutions include the child protection services we support through programs like This Life Reuniting Families, juvenile justice services strengthened through This Life Beyond Bars and other local authority structures designed to support communities.

We prefer to always work within existing structures, but will develop new services when a community identifies a problem and a solution which doesn’t fit within these structures. For example, our This Life In Families program established new ways of supporting the families of prisoners that had not been considered before, while a newer program like This Life With Choices responds to the growing problem of drug and alcohol addiction by helping to develop new services to treat and support people with addiction problems, and their families and communities.

Programs are:

This Life Beyond Bars

This Life In Family

This Life With Choices

This Life Reuniting Families

This Life Without Bars

Vocational Training and Social Enterprise

This Life In Community

This Life New Horizons