This Life in Family: An Update
Keeping families together and keeping children out of institutional care when a parent comes into conflict with the law is the primary goal of This Life in Family (TLIF). Now in its second year of operation, TLIF piloted this approach as a way to preserve families and reduce the likelihood of children being placed in residential care institutions.
By taking a combined case management and advocacy approach, we are able to assess a family’s specific and immediate needs and offer a range of services tailored to their needs. Solutions provided reduce emotional and financial stress, ensure that families stay connected and that rights are upheld and respected. We can also help with sourcing legal representation and ensure that extended family members or community based care options are identified for minor children.
We are the only NGO in Cambodia working with families in conflict with the law. By building strong and productive relationships with local authorities and staff within the General Department of Prisons we have built a solid foundation of support for our activities. The case management system we have developed since 2012, places This Life Cambodia at the forefront of best practice for social workers in Cambodia.
With a new infusion of substantial funding we are undertaking a significant expansion of TLIF in Siem Reap province. By September of 2019 we will have greatly expanded our reach and will be working with approximately 150 families.