New Research: Enhancing Collaboration Between Schools and Offices of Education
We recently partnered with the Siem Reap provincial education sector working group to produce research on improving collaboration between community, school, and government actors in education. The recently released report, “Enhancing Collaboration Between School Management and District and Provincial Offices of Education,” highlights good practices from five schools in Siem Reap province, and makes recommendations for improving collaboration to strengthen support for community schools. Report recommendations address topics including:
- Improving training for principals and School Support Committees
- Facilitating knowledge sharing between schools
- Strengthening communication between schools and district education offices
- Encouraging School Support Committee members to share local history and business knowledge with students
- Increasing community engagement and community involvement in school decision-making
- Partnering with existing community institutions to share school progress and increase support for education in the community
The report is available in English and Khmer and can be found on our website along with all of our research. Or download the report here in English or here in Khmer.
In late March, TLC hosted a research launch event in Siem Reap which was attended by over 50 participants including Provincial Office of Education Officials, District Office of Education officials from all 12 districts in Siem Reap province, school principals, School Support Committee members, and local NGOs.