World Childhood Foundation Regional Partnership Meeting
This Life Cambodia proudly works in partnership with World Childhood Foundation and early April saw the coming together in Siem Reap of all Childhood Partners working in Cambodia and Thailand. Throughout the two-day gathering participants were provided opportunities to explore each other’s work, dive into crosscutting thematic areas, examine best-practice approaches to monitoring progress and evaluating outcomes, and consider ways to scale-up and replicate successful project models.
Two parallel project visits were conducted, one to Angkor Hospital for Children’s satellite clinic and the other to This Life Cambodia’s This Life Beyond Bars Program within Siem Reap Prison. Participants were given a guided tour of the Vocational Training workshops located within the prison itself as well as a rare and privileged opportunity of meeting with Prison Officials directly to hear their experiences of working with the This Life Beyond Bars Program from its inception to the present day.
Officials took the opportunity to report positively on the strong relationships that have been forged between themselves and program staff over the five years the program has been running within the prison and provided insight into how This Life Beyond Bars works collaboratively with them to develop best-practice at implementation level. They spoke of the process currently underway to ensure the on-going sustainability of the program through the step by step transitioning of responsibility to the Prison Authority themselves, and how they wish for the program to be replicated throughout all Cambodian prisons so that every juvenile detainee is presented the same hope and opportunity for their future.
Find out more about This Life Beyond Bars here.
Read more about World Childhood Foundation here.